Can Red Light Help Supplement a Keto Weight-loss Diet?

Weight loss is something that many people struggle with, and our modern day lifestyles can make it challenging to prioritize healthy eating and movement. We’re living fast lives, often resorting to highly-processed foods, and skipping out on exercising, all of which are the main contributors to weight gain. 

In 2020, the obesity rate in the U.S. was 42.4%. Though it’s often overlooked, people with a high BMI are at very high risk for cardiovascular diseases, hormonal issues, diabetes, cancer, and musculoskeletal disorders. 

However, in recent years, there’s been a shift in people’s mentalities. Yes, many are still opting for meal replacements and weight loss surgeries; however, others are focusing on eating clean and eliminating preservatives from their diet. Instead of doing quick diet fads, many are trying to change their lifestyle, even turning to alternative eating methods such as the ketogenic diet – a low-carb, high- fat diet that shares similarities to the Atkins diet. Essentially, you eat fewer carbs and replace them with fat. By doing this, the body goes into a state of ketosis, enabling the fat from your diet and body to be burned into energy. 

However, the keto diet does more than just help people lose weight. It reduces blood sugar and insulin levels, sleep disorders, seizures, and other brain disorders. It’s clear that the keto diet does have health benefits aside from weight loss. This diet alone has changed the lives of millions of people around the world. But wait...what does this all have to do with red light therapy? 

Before we talk about red light therapy working alongside keto, it’s crucial to understand the importance of natural light to the human body. Our bodies respond to light the same way it does to carbs, proteins, and fats. Our bodies are built to function with an optimal amount of natural light so that our cells can produce energy

We need light like we need fruits and vegetables. Similar to when we eat junk food, if we’re exposed to an abundance of artificial light, our bodies don’t function optimally. However, we’re spending more time inside than ever, meaning we’re not getting enough natural light. Simply put: it isn’t good for our bodies and minds.

So how do the two work together? If you’re on the keto diet, your body will go into a state of ketosis, which promotes increased weight loss, specifically in the abdominal area. When the body is able to burn fat efficiently, the body works better—this the same goes for red light therapy. 

Red light therapy strengthens the mitochondria inside our cells. The mitochondria are the powerhouse of the cells where energy is created. By improving the function of the mitochondria, a cell produces more ATP (adenosine triphosphate). With an increase in energy, the cells function optimally and are able to regenerate at a faster pace. 

Keto and red light therapy work to naturally enhance our body’s functionality as both operate to enhance the mitochondria. Keto works to burn fatty acids and ketones instead of glucose. With red light therapy, it decreases oxidative stress that slows energy systems. When using red light therapy during a keto diet, your cells are able to work efficiently as both increase energy, physical performance, and weight loss

But red light therapy does more than just enhance your body’s energy and physical performance. Red light therapy improves sleeping patterns by adjusting your circadian rhythm and helping the brain produce natural melatonin. Developing a regular sleep pattern on top of losing weight will only help improve your weight loss journey, as well as balance your hormones. Red light therapy also reduces inflammation and joint pain, which helps the overall weight loss experience. 

If you’re on the keto diet or considering giving it a try, consider easing into the process by supplementing with Lunas’ MDA and FDA-approved red light therapy devices to help aid your weight loss journey.